Welcome to BibleAnswersToGo.org
Is the Bible is real? What is Prophecy? Does the Old Testament or Torah and writings predict the future? Is there any historical evidence of this? What do the ancient Hebrew writings say about the Mashiach (Messiah) and does that contradict Christian writings?
This site aims to explore the topics by looking at original Jewish writings from the Torah, Prophets, Psalms and even external or secondary sources such as the Talmud and Midrashim.
Birth of the Messiah
- What does the Bible say about the Birth of the Messiah?
- The word "virgin" doesn't even exist in Hebrew, how can Isaiah say virgin birth?
- Maybe Isaiah Chapter 7 isn't even talking about the Messiah?
Diety and Priesthood
- Are there any scriptures that state the Messiah/Mashiach would be treated or called Lord?
- Is the Messiah eternal? There is one G-d, how could a simple man be called these things?
Everlasting Covenant
- Is there more than one Covenant? Does the Torah mention a "New Covenant"?
- If the current covenant requires all the laws, including animal sacrifice, offerings, and atonement by the high priest to atone for sin, how does G-d reconcile sin with holiness now?
- Is there a better promise? Is there any foreshadowing of a Covenant that relates to the Messiah?
- Is G-d only interested in the Jewish nation and the Law? Does G-d use the new covenant and the Mashiach to reach the world? What does the scripture say about the nations?
- If the early "church" was considered a sect of Judiasm, why don't Jews today accept Jesus as the Mashiach?
- Is there an expected time for the Mashiach to appear?
- How can there be a "second" coming when Judiasm has one Mashiach?
Salvation of Israel
- How is Israel Saved?
- Do Jewish people ever recognize Jesus as the Messiah? Are there scriptures or prophecies about this?
Suffering and Death
- Do the Torah and Prophets say anything that would indicate the Mashiach would suffer and die?
- What is the relationship between the sprinkling and atonement given by sacrifice and the Law of Moses and the sprinkling mentioned in Isaiah?
- Who is the "servant" in the scriptures? Mashiach? Israel? What did early sources say on this matter?
- Psalm 22 in the Book of Psalms is a picture of the suffering Messiah. Can we compare this to some of the items above and fullfillment in the New Testament?
- Does Psalm 22:16 say "Pierced" or "Like Lions"?
- If G-d is spirit, does he ever appear as a man? Do we ever hear about the form of a man in the Torah?
- If G-d is mentioned as Elohim in plural how can he appear as Man?
Armageddon and Satan
- The concept of a devil, or Satan often seems like a Christian concept. Is there any notion or reference to Satan in the Old Testament?
- What about the battle of Armageddon? Again this seems to be a Christian/Revelation idea. Is there any foreshadowing of a great final battle in ancient Jewish scriptures?
- Is there a Resurrection in Judaism? Does the Torah or other writing support this belief?
- Is there eternal judgement, what about Hell in the Torah?