Does Psalm 22:16 say "Pierced" or "Like Lions"?

  • The word in question relating to this question in Verse 16 is "Ki-Ari"
  • The word above, the prefix Ki means "like" and Ari means "Lion" in Hebrew
  • However in ancient Hebrew the last letter Yud and the letter Vav are very similar looking.
  • Both are a vertical line. The Yud is shorter and the Vav is a longer stroke, however compared to modern day hebrew the Yud is much longer and closer to the Vav.
  • It is suspected that the word was written as Ki-Aroo which would likely be an alternative spelling of the root hebrew word (Ka-Rah) meaning "to dig".
  • There is a Psalms scroll discovered in the Qumran that supports this but it was damaged too much to be conclusive.
  • There was another scroll found in Nahal Hever that does find the word as written to support "they dug at my hands and feet".
  • Overall:
    • The majority of manuscripts have Ki-Ari - "Like a Lion"
    • A "few" manuscripts have Ki-Aroo which is "unclear" but could be related to "dig"
    • Two manuscripts have Ki-Roo meaning "They dig"
  • What about early translations from Hebrew to other languages?
  • The earliest translations such as the LXX, Qumran, Aquila's translations, and other Jewish translations used "they pierced" as the meaning.
  • Even Jewish scholars have debated this passage as it lacks a verb, and generally agree that the word here, is wrong from what it originally was in earlier manuscripts.
  • Even if the proper translation is "like lions"... what are the lions doing?
  • Earlier it said they opened their mouths...obviously the meaning here is to pierce or bite...and specifically at the hands and feet.