What are the order and events of the end times and tribulation period?
- Using Matthew and Luke for the higher level overiew of the end times one can get more details by going thru Revelation
- There are also many scriptures in the Naviim / Prophets that mirror much of the final part of the end times.
Order of Events:
- Pre-Tribulation "Birth Pains" - First parts of Mat 24 / Luk 21 - (See: Signs of the End Times)
- Rapture of the Church - 1 Thess 5:1-11 / Rev 3:10 / 2 Thess 2:1-5
- Local war or country borders changed
First Seal : White Horse, Rider is a Conquerer with Bow and Crown rides out - Rev 6:1-2 - World or Large scale War
Second Seal : Red Horse, Rider takes peace from earth and makes people kill each other, given a large sword - Rev 6:3-4 - Food Scarcity/Famine
Third Seal : Black Horse, Rider has scales, 1 pounds of wheat for 1 day wages, 6 pounds of barley for 1 day wages, don't damage oil or wine - Rev 6:5-6 - War, Famine, Diseases, Animal Attacks over 25% of the earth
Fourth Seal : Pale Horse, Rider is named Death, Hades followed behind, Power over 1/4 of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague and wild beasts - Rev 6:7-8 - Execution of Believers
Fifth Seal : Those slain because of Word of God and their Testimony, given white robe and told to wait until others like them killed as they were - Rev 6:9-11 - Great Earthquake - Smoke & Fires cause sun/moon/sky to change appearance
Sixth Seal : Great earthquake, sun turns black, moon appears red, stars fall, every mountain and island moved, people afraid of the coming wrath - Rev 6:12-17 - No Wind / Sealing of Jewish Believers
Four angels stop wind on land and sea, another angel says "do not harm the land or sea or trees, until we put a seal on foreheads of the servants of our God" - Rev 7:1-8 - Great Multitude in White Robes before the Throne
Great multitude in white robes, no one could count, with palm branches, worshipping God, they have come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made white in the blood of the lamb - Rev 7:9-17 - Silence in Heaven
Seventh Seal : Silence in Heaven for about half an hour - Rev 8:1 - Thunder Lightning and Earthquake - Rev 8:2-5
- Hail and Large Scale Fire
First Trumpet : Hail and Fire mixed with Blood, 1/3 of Earth burned up, 1/3 of trees burned up, All green grass burned up - Rev 8:6-7 - Meteor like impact
Second Trumpet : Something like huge mountain thrown into Sea, 1/3 of Sea to blood, 1/3 of sea creatures die, 1/3 of ships destroyed - Rev 8:8-9 - Comet like impact - Poisons freshwater
Third Trumpet : Star like torch fell from sky, on 1/3 of rivers and springs of waters, poisons water and many people die - Rev 8:10-11 - Sun and Sky darkens
Fourth Trumpet : 1/3 of sun struck, 1/3 of moon, 1/3 of stars so turns dark, no light for 1/3 of day and 1/3 of night- Rev 8:12 - Smoke from Abyss and Locust like Scorpions sting people
Fifth Trumpet : Locusts with stingers, do not harm grass, plants or trees, only people not sealed by G-d, do not kill but torture for 5 months - Rev 9:1-11 - 1/3 of Mankind Killed by Angels and Army
Sixth Trumpet : Breastplates colored bright red, dark bluee and yellow, Fire, Smoke and Sulfur kills people - Rev 9:13-21 - Antichrist takes over Holy City (Jerusalem) for 3.5 years / 42 months
Second 3.5 years of Tribulation Begins : outer court given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months - Rev 11:1-2 - Two Witnesses Prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth
Two Witnesses : Two witnesses, if anyone tries to harm them fire comes from their mouth, they stop rain, turn water to blood, strike earth with plagues - Rev 11:3-6 - Two Witnesses Killed and Ressurect
Two Witnesses : Beast from Abyss will attack them and kill them. For 3.5 days bodies lie exposed and people celebrate. Then they breathe, stand and go up to heaven in a cloud - Rev 11:7-12 - Earthquake in Holy City right after the two witnesses
Earthquake in Jerusalem : Tenth of city collapses, Seven thousand people killed. Survivors give glory to God - Rev 11:13-14 - Lightning, Thunder, Earthquake and Severe Hailstorm
Seventh Trumpet : 24 Elders worship God, Time for God to begin to reign and judge, Ark of Covenant seen in temple - Rev 11:15-19 - Beast comes and is worshipped - one of the Heads/Leaders fatal wound healed
The Beast : Beast comes out of Sea (out of multitude of people) 10 Horns/Crowns, 7 Heads (rulers or areas of rule), all the earth/nations/people worship whose name is not written in the Lamb's book of life. Authority to wage war and conquer Gods holy people. - Rev 13:1-10 - Second Beast comes, performs signs, makes people worship the first beast
Second Beast : Two horns like a Lamb but speaks like a Dragon, Makes all earth worship first beast, calls down fire from heaven, deceived inhabitants of earth. Sets up image of first beast and forces people to worship it or be killed - Rev 13:11-15 - Mark required to buy or sell
Mark of the Beast : All people required to have mark on right hands or forehead to buy or sell, number is 666 - Rev 13:16-18 - Song with the Lamb from the 144,000
The 144,000 : The Lamb standing on Mt. Zion and with him the 144,000 - Rev 14:1-5 - Flying Angel proclaims Gospel
First Angel : Angel flying midair, eternal gosepl to proclaim to every nation, tribe, language and people. - Rev 14:6-7 - Second Angel proclaims Babylon has Fallen
Second Angel : Second angel follows and said "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries." - Rev 14:8 - Angel warns everyone not to take the Mark
Third Angel : Third angel in a loud voice warns that if anyone worships the beast and takes the mark on their forehead or hand they will be tormented with burning sulfur forever and ever - Rev 14:9-13 - Righteous of the earth harvested
Son of Man on Cloud Harvests : Seated on cloud, one like a son of man with crown of gold on head and sharp sickle in his hand, swings it over earth and earth is harvested - Rev 14:14-16 - Sinners trampled in winepress of Gods wrath
Trampling of Winepress : Angel in heaven with a sharp sickle, hears from angel in charge of fire to gather the grapes, so swings sickle, gathers grapes and throws into great winpress of Gods wrath. Trampled outside the city, blood flows out as high as a horses bridle for 180 miles - Rev 14:17-20 - Victorious in heaven sing and angels prepare seven plagues
Seven Angels with Plagues and The Victorious in Heaven : Last seven plagues given to seven angels and given seven bowls of Gods wrath. Those victorious over beast and image given harps and sing song of Moses and of the Lamb - Rev 15:1-6 - Sores break out on those who worshipped the beast
First Bowl : First angel pours out bowl and ugly festering sores break out on those who had mark of the beast worshipped its image - Rev 16:1-2 - Seas turn to blood
Second Bowl : Second angel pours out bowl on sea, and turns to blood, and every living thing in the sea dies - Rev 16:3 - Rivers and Springs turn to blood
Third Bowl : Third angel pours out on rivers and springs of water and they become blood. Unrighteous now have blood to drink as they shed the blood of the holy people and prophets - Rev 16:4-7 - Sun scorches people
Fourth Bowl : Fourth angel pours out on sun, and sun scorches people with fire. People seared with heat, cursed God, but refused to repent and glorify him - Rev 16:8-9 - Kingdom of the Beast in Darkness
Fifth Bowl : Fifth angel pours on throne of the beast, kingdom plunged into darkness. People gnaw tongues in agony, curse God for pains and sores but refuse to repent. - Rev 16:10-11 - River Eurphrates dries up, gather together at Armageddon
Sixth Bowl : Sixth angel pours out on river Euphrates, water dried up to prepare way for kings from the East. Three impure spirits come out mouth of Dragon, Beast and False Prophet and perform signs to gather kings together for battle on the great day of God Almighty. - Rev 16:12-16 - Largest earthquake ever, Huge hailstones
Seventh Bowl : Seventh angel pours out bowl into the air, lightning, rumbling, thunder and severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred, great city split into 3 parts, cities of nations collapse. Every island flattened and mountains not found. From sky huge hailstones each about 100 pounds fell on people. They cursed God because hail plague was so terrible. - Rev 16:17-21 - Bablyon / City that rules over kings of the earth destroyed
Babylon the Prostitute and the Beast : Woman/Prostitute is great city that rules over kings of the earth. Rides on Beast, who is an eight king who will go to destruction. Seven horns are seven hills and seven kings where the city is. Ten horns are ten kings who will rule for one "hour" with the beast and wage war agains the Lamb, but Lamb will triumph. The beast will hate the woman and will destroy it. City will be consumed by fire, smoke will rise up, city never used again. - Rev 17 and Rev 18 - Great multitude in Heaven shout and praise Hallelujah
Great multitude in Heaven shout Hallelujah : Great multitude in heaving shouting Hallelujah! Blessed are those invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! - Rev 19:1-10 - Battle of Armageddon, Beast and False Prophet thrown into Lake of Fire
Armageddon, Defeat of Beast and False Prophet : White Horse, rider is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Armies of heaven follow on white horses dressed in fine linen white and clean. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God. Beast, kings and armies gather but beast and false prophet captured and thrown alive into fiery lake of sulphur. Rest killed with sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse. - Rev 19:11-19 - Messiah Reigns for 1000 years with believers / First Ressurection
Post-Tribulation: 1000 Year Reign : Satan bound for 1000 years and thrown into the Abyss. Those beheaded and who did not receive mark came to life, and reigned with Christ for 1000 years. The second death has no power over them and they will be priests of God and of Christ and reign with him for 1000 years. - Rev 20:1-6 - Satan Released / Battle of Gog and Magog / Devil thrown into Lake of Fire
Satan Released / Battle of Gog and Magog : After 1000 years Satan released from prison, goes out to deceieve nations of the earth, Gog and Magog, gathers them together for battle. Number like sand on the seashore. March across the earth, surround the camp of God's people, city he loves. But fire comes down from heaven and devours them. Devil thrown into lake of fire where beast and false prophet are, tormented for ever and ever. - Rev 20:7-10 - Judgement of Dead / Second Ressurection / Second Death / Earth Destroyed
Great White Throne / Judgement of Dead / Second Ressurection : Great white throne, earth and heavens fled. Dead judged according to the books. Death and Hades thrown into lake of fire, and anyone whose name was not found in the Book of Life. Lake of fire is the second death. - Rev 20:11-15 - New Heaven and New Earth and New Jerusalem
New Heaven and New Earth : New heavan and new earth as first earth had passed away and no longer any sea. Holy City, New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. Gods dwelling place now among the people. - Rev 21:1-8 - New Jerusalem and Bride of Lamb
New Jerusalem and Bride of Lamb : Holy City Jerusalem coming down from Heaven, shines with glory of God. Laid out square About 1400 miles each side, walls 200 feet thick made of jewels. Gates made of single pearl. Great street of the city made of Gold. No temple since God and the Lamb are its temple. Glory of God gives it light. Nothing impure will ever enter it, only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. - Rev 21:9-22 - Eden Restored: River of water of life, Tree of life
River of water of life, Tree of life : River of water of life flows from throne down middle of the great street of the city. Tree of Life stands over each side of the river, bears 12 crops of fruit, bearing its fruit each month. Leaves are for healing of the nations. Lord God will give them light. - Rev 22:1-21
36 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.Matthew 24:36-38 (NIV)
12 "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.Revelation 22:12-14 (NIV)